Hagship Strong Beer

Story of Hagship Soda: Black Short Hagship soda is a beverage developed to display the unlimited potential that can be achieved through refinement and perseverance. We believed in our journey of being one of the most engaging brands and pushed ourselves to sell only those products that are worth the investment of your time and money. With this, we envisioned the launch of our hagship soda. Hagship Soda is generally a drink that is meant to stimulate your senses with an element of sharp flavors. This allows it to be a fun with drinks at parties to try or and test to prove your mettle as a person who can weather the intense burning sensation. Building upon the culture that Vodka has been able to foster for years, Black Short India Limited launched its Vodka in an effort to provide consumers with an elegant drink that not only adds life to hangout sessions but also ensures lasting memories. During the process of research and development, it took a lot more than just gauging market preferences and taste perceptions to develop the perfect soda with drink. We found ourselves shortlisting recipes for our specific market, finding and hiring talented individuals that were an integral part of the vodka production, and understanding procedures that resulted in better tasting soda. This led us through experiences that we only could have imagined. Finding the right ingredients was vital to the final taste of our soda, this is why we went through different iterations of soda, each one having different proportions of ingredients that gave it a different taste, texture, consistency, and aroma. Spending resources on prototypes might sound futile but it is this investment of time and money that allowed us to understand the taste we were looking for.

Motive: Black Short’s vision with its products has always been to bring unique and innovative products for its customers. This requires us to do what no one generally does, build our product from scratch. This includes developing our spirits with our proprietary blend of ingredients that are quality tested to ensure that it leaves the assembly line being as flawless as we wanted it to be. Since Vodka is one of the best performing non-alcoholic beverages, we developed our interpretation of the same to give our customers the perfect flavor for their money. Our journey has taught us to be receptive to feedback and tweak our beverages according to market trends and demands. Our target audience plays an important role in allowing us to evolve our brand to cater to them better. We seek to capture the Indian and international markets based on the variety that we offer in our product lines. Living by this approach, we see great prospects for Black Short India Limited and other brands that may arise out of our establishment.


Goodness: Hagship soda in its essence is a perfect partner of drink and is not for the ones looking for a casual sip of mild-flavored drinks. However, for the other half of the society that enjoys hard with drinks, Hagship Soda is everything they need to turn a boring evening into a celebration of life. When high-quality ingredients meet and work in perfect synergy, that’s when you know it’s a Black Short drink. Exotic ingredients that are sourced from the best places have come together to make a spirit that is as thrilling from the inside as it is from the outside. Our Soda has been made to foster limitless experiences. Every part of our products is meticulously adjusted to suit a lifestyle that most people dream of. Every sip of our Soda is a means to be one with the elite lifestyle. Never has there been a drink of this intensity that is made for only those who dare to take a challenge head-on. We aim for you to have an experience that you cherish not only for the next few days but for ages to come and we work tirelessly to ensure we facilitate a multitude of these experiences. This is what we stand for, this is Black Short.


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Black Short is all about bringing a collection of unrivaled quality and excellence beverage alcohol



Black Short is all about bringing a collection of unrivaled quality and excellence beverage alcohol

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